Frohe Ostern.

Enthülle hiermit kompromisslos meine komplette heimische Osterdekoration:

Osterdeko 2013
…und wünsche allen Bloglesern frohe Ostern! Danke, dass ihr diese Seiten besucht!

Eine musikalische Begleitung zu Ostern kann in meinen Augen natürlich nur sein:
Marillion, Easter

The ghost of a mist was on the field
The gray and the Green together
The noise of a distant farm machine
Out of the first light came

A tattered necklace of hedge end trees
On the southern side of the hill
Betrays where the border runs between
Where Mary Dunoon’s boy fell

Easter here again
A time for the Blind to see
Easter – Surely now can all of your hearts be free

Out of the port of Liverpool
Bound for the North of Ireland
The wash of the spray and horsetail waves
The roll of the sea below

And Easter here again
A time for the Blind to see
Easter – Surely now can all of your hearts be free

What will you do?
Make a stone of your heart?
Will you set things right?
When you tear them apart?
Will you sleep at night?
With the plough and the stars alight?

What will you do?
With the wire & the gun?
That’ll set things right
When it’s said and done?
Will you sleep at night?
Is there so much love to hide?

Sing ‚Never again‘

Über derclownfisch
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4 Antworten zu Frohe Ostern.

  1. BOWMORE Darkest schreibt:

    Frohe Ostergrüße.

  2. Überschaubare Deko ist die Beste. Passt alles auf einen Klick:-)
    Frohe Ostern

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